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Wood processing workshop with dust extraction systems and pipes

Woodworking Dust Extraction

Our Energy Saving Industrial Dust Extraction Systems Are Available Nationwide

Watch how our systems work

Workshop Dust Collection System

Ecogate is the complete workshop dust collection system, saving you money and time. Our complete extraction system addresses all the health and safety hazards created by wood dust generated during manufacturing. Our intelligent on-demand dust collection systems offer a safe and efficient way to manage your workplace’s wood dust. 

The Ecogate system has been successfully used as a workshop dust collection system and for woodworking dust extraction for over 15 years. Our customers range from large, automated factories that mass-produce furniture to independent woodworking shops that create bespoke pieces. 

Across the board, Ecogate helps our customers cut their dust extraction costs in half. In the woodworking industry alone, we have seen savings range from 50% in automated factories, all the way up to 75% in shops with custom production. 

Enquire with our team now and start saving on your woodworking dust extraction!

Health and Safety Hazards of Wood Dust

Wood dust is a serious health and safety risk that can lead to long-term health problems. Carpenters and joiners are four times more likely to suffer from asthma compared to other UK workers. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 requires all woodworking facilities to protect workers from the hazards of wood dust by taking adequate measures. 

This includes fitting a suitable dust extraction system at each woodworking machine to capture and remove dust safely. Ecogate’s on-demand extraction allows you to activate each workstation separately, so dust collection is provided only to the machines that are currently in use. This helps you not only keep your employees safe but also optimise your dust extraction, saving money and minimising your carbon footprint.  

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Ecogate’s Approach to Safe Wood Shop Dust Extraction

Ecogate provides safe wood shop dust collection and extraction in three easy steps.

1. Capture Dust at the Source

Hoods are fitted at each machine to capture wood dust effectively. Every machine has specific requirements for air volume. This is typically a combination of drop diameter and air velocity. Maintaining the air velocities while the machine generates dust is crucial.

You have to be aware that not all machine manufacturers thoroughly test their hood designs, which can result in inadequate dust collection even at the recommended air velocity. In such cases, redesigning and adjusting the machine hoods may be necessary. If the machine manufacturer’s specifications are met at the hood, but dust is not captured reliably, changes are required.

2. Transport Dust to the Dust Collector

Once captured at the source, wood dust is transported to the dust collector. Reliable transport requires air velocities that depend on the contaminant type. 

When a dust collecting system is used with the Ecogate system, the greenBOX control unit will maintain minimum transport air velocities in the duct system.

3. Process the Dust

To adequately process the collected dust, you have to select the right fan, motor, and dust collector for your application based on:

  • Total air volume requirements
  • Type of dust
  • Production processes used
  • Machine utilisation
  • Future plans

The first elbow at the fan inlet should be at least 3 times the diameter away from the fan inlet (ideally 5 times away) to maintain the fan efficiency. Using a stack on the fan outlet and opting for a direct-driven fan motor can enhance energy efficiency.

Calculate your savings below

    Results based on an average 20% reduction of fan speed.
    Annual total based on 50 working weeks per year.


    After you calculate how much you could be saving, a member of the Ecogate team will be in touch with you to discuss your requirements and book a site evaluation. Once we have completed an on-site inspection to assess your needs, we’ll put together a bespoke quote tailored to your requirements.

    Following this we can order the products needed for your Ecogate installation and our engineers will be in touch with you to book an installation date. After your system has been installed and calibrated, we also offer maintenance packages to make sure it continues to function at optimal levels.

    Please refer to the timeline below to get an indication of our turnaround times.

    Clients already saving money with Ecogate


    Ecogate helps lower extraction costs for High Seat.

    “We are delighted to be the first manufacturer in the UK to benefit from Ecogate’s latest advances  in energy-saving technology.” 

    Ben Waters, Group Operations Director at HSL

    “To exert some control over extraction usage, ductwork connections to each of the traditional machines had previously been fitted with individual, manually-operated dampers but, with the best will in the world, manual operation could never match the efficiency of Ecogate’s computer-controlled, on-demand extraction system.”

    Sales Engineer Tom Firth

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    Ecogate installation at Tom Howley makes for a quiet, dust-free factory, that’s only half the price to run.

    “Everyone is delighted with the job Extractly have done here; we now have a fully-automated, future-proofed system which just gets on quietly and efficiently with the task of dust extraction — levels of both dust and noise on the factory floor have been reduced significantly. We were also very impressed with the standard of work, and the way Extractly handled every aspect of what was a very time-contingent contract.”

    Tom Howley Representative 

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    Substantial cost savings with ECOGATE greenBOX NXT installation

    “I’ve been really impressed with the level of service Extractly have provided. From Jake’s initial visit through to final commissioning of the new installation, communication at each step of the process has been excellent and, with the way energy costs are rising at the moment, it’s been the perfect time to have invested in Ecogate’s latest technology.”

    Ian Postlethwaite

    Read more

    Read our Woodworking FAQs

    • How important is dust collection in the woodworking industry?

      Adequately managing dust in your workshop or factory is essential in order to prevent health hazards and safety risks. Additionally, wood dust produced during manufacturing is a fire and explosion hazard making its proper collection and disposal even more important. 
    • What types of woodworking equipment requires dust extraction?

      All woodworking machines require effective dust extraction to ensure any particles produced are captured straight at the source. During an Ecogate installation an automatic blast gate is installed at each workstation providing instant extraction when a machine is turned on. 
    • Are there any regulations or standards for woodworking dust extraction?

      The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 require woodworking factories and workshops to implement adequate measures for managing the hazards of dust generated during production.
    • How does Ecogate's dust extraction work?

      Ecogate is a smart dust extraction system that monitors and controls your existing system to optimise its usage and output. Our system works off of demand. The workstations that are active will have dust extraction, whilst the inactive workstations will not.
    • How much can I save with the Ecogate System?

      Ecogate can help save, on average, 68% on your energy usage for dust extraction. Use our calculator to find your savings today.